Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Mind boggling nature of the "Morphe Theou"

The incarnation: Fully man and yet fully God! We were given a chrysalis of a Monarch butterfly exactly one week ago after church.  Today the metamorphosis was completed.  The caterpillar was fully caterpillar and yet fully butterfly; one essence, two natures... 

When Jesus came to Earth for US, He was fully God and fully man; one essence, two natures. In Phil. 2:5-7 we read that "Although Jesus existed in the "morphé Theou" the form of God, He did not regard equality with God something to be grasped but humbled Himself taking the morphé, the form, of a bondservant being made in the likeness of men. This is the word from which we get the word "metamorphosis," (literally, change beside another)  

While the caterpillar shares identical DNA with the butterfly [union between the two natures] there is no [fusion of those two natures.]  That is, the caterpillar looks vastly different than the butterfly yet they are one in essence. And the caterpillar could not fly for eg. but the butterfly can...  Yet the caterpillar is no less than the butterfly. That is to say, there is distinction between the two natures but no separation; they are both fully Monarchs. The word in the Greek for this is "hypostasis."  This is the word used in Hebrews 1:3 speaking of Jesus who is the "...exact representation of God's character."  

And now you know the purpose and meaning of the "Chalcedonian Hypostatic union of 451 A.D."  You see, theology can be FUN! 

The chrysalis (caterpillar)

The metamorphosis to a butterfly

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