Saturday, November 25, 2023

End times Revisited...

I am reading a couple of commentaries concerning eschatology from the “Reformed” perspective. I have never been comfortable with my own eschatology and those of you who may have been under my tutelage while teaching through the book of Revelation, I made it clear that I was NOT comfortable. I often said something like, “I am not sure what this means but let me ask you this: “If you are a Christ follower, does this sound Good or Bad?” 

In one sense my uncertainty was not due to a lack of Biblical knowledge in one sense but in fact, because of it. In other words, it was because of my numerous comprehensive readings through the whole Bible that caused me to question the classic Premillennial take on End Times. Here is one example. We say we believe in the doctrine of imminence ie., “The ANY MOMENT return of the Savior.” And yet as  premillennialists we get all hyped up about the political goings on in Israel, the breeding of “red heifers” for the resumption of sacrifices in the rebuilt Temple, etc. Just this by itself isn’t a minor problem for me but a deal killer. One cannot believe in the “any moment return of Christ while maintaining X Y Z must happen BEFORE Jesus returns. And in saying this, why in Heaven’s name would there EVER be a resumption of the sacrificial system when Jesus was very clear that He came to FULFILL every jot and tittle of the Old Covenant legislation? Even Hebrews chapter 10:1 states plainly that “…the law was only ever a “shadow” of the good things to come and NOT the very form of them.” So what to do with the book of Revelation? That is not the purpose of this small piece today.                                 The purpose here is 2 fold:

1. To encourage Christ followers that as messed up as the world AND the USA is, it is not occurring by happenstance, sheer stupidity, or by corruption and perversion at levels never before seen in my lifetime in our country. Rather I am seeing anew just how meticulously the Creator of all things is not merely “allowing” this degradation of society but in fact, is enabling, facilitating and even orchestrating it. In my reading through the Bible multiple times in the past couple years I am seeing the Lord on High is and always has been immanently involved in the affairs of the world from the beginning. He is NOT just a casual bystander choosing to get involved sporadically here and there. When you understand this it is everywhere on the pages of Scripture! 

2. To apprise the 2 or 3 people who may read this, that everything is taking place just as the Sovereign Creator of the universe has determined. Stolen elections, perverted justice, twisted science, incompetent and corrupt leadership at the highest levels, perversion being mainstreamed to elementary school children, parent’s rights being removed, financial collapse looming. In short, good is now bad and bad is now good as Isaiah warned us: “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20) Your retirement funds may be in the toilet but our God is the SAME one who took care of His people throughout history. Do you not think He is the same God who can/will miraculously provide for His children if/when necessary? The words of Biblical theologian and scholar Dennis Johnson as well as our pastor’s oft repeated truths of God’s word about these things, are life changing. Prof. Johnson writes,”As Christians see societies crumble and collapse, our response should not be terrified alarm, as though our security were bound up with a fragile human network of law and order, but anticipation and confidence: the Lamb is now on the throne, with God's plan for history firmly in hand.” 

I cannot say I am Mr. Chill in these days of evil but I have a renewed and more practical confidence in the God of the Universe who loves all those whom He has called. 

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