Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christianity Today's Assault on Trump (3 min read)

Yesterday the outgoing editor of CT wrote a hatchet piece concerning President Donald Trump that was scurrilous on two counts. 1.  Since he had resigned as the editor this was one of those, "Now I get to write what I really think..." This reminds me of the pastor giving his resignation to his church and on his last Sunday using the sermon to blast everyone and everything he had been holding in for all his years.  2.  He presumed to speak for the late Billy Graham and what he would've thought about Trump. (A tad arrogant assuming the gift of omniscience...)  

That Trump has certain qualities that are annoying is beyond dispute.  But annoying qualities are not grounds for impeachment or I dare say, every president from Adams forward (Washington was perfect of course) could have been impeached. So the salient point for debate is not whether Trump is this, that, or the other, but has he broken any laws that permit impeachment and he has not which the Democrats know full well. This will become more evident in the days to come. 

But how can the Christian defend him much less support him? If one keeps their eye on the ball and not on the MSM, I would say it is the Christian obligation to support him.  Make a list of 5-10 moral, social issues that are important to and reflective of the character of God Almighty.  Off the top of my head in no certain order: murder of pre-born (and now post-born) humans, greed, homosexuality, sexual perversion and LGBTQ, transgender, strong military, fairness that goes both ways with allied countries, enforcement of all duly enacted laws, responsible freedom, a biblical work ethic, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of thought, and freedom of religion. Now make a list of the moral, social issues being highlighted by the Democrats. (I could end here.)

No one in my lifetime has even come close to what Donald Trump has accomplished most if not all of which in fact reflect the heart and mind of God.

Now--the Lord in His unquestionable omniscience and sovereignty is ultimately the One orchestrating the affairs of man. No we are not automatons, we have free will, but the Lord is never hampered by our sin natures or recalcitrance even as believers. That is, He is quite able to “get what He wants” without violating our “free will.” Example—A command is given for whatever reason, “Everyone must evacuate this room immediately.” A few have determined they are not going to leave. Behind the scenes however, the Lord of the universe desires everyone to leave so He sends a swarm of bees to fill the room. Voila—suddenly everyone now chooses to leave of their own accord. Silly perhaps but God really is in control. 

In the book of Daniel, we find a recalcitrant leader—King Nebuchadnezzar with whom the Lord has to deal in a strange way to bring him to the place where God Almighty wants him. I trust you know the story. What is resoundingly clear and the Lord wants to make clear to us, is that HE is the One in charge: Regarding the orchestration of the King’s heart the Word is written-- ""This sentence is by the decree of the angelic watchers, And the decision is a command of the holy ones, In order that the living may know That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind, And bestows it on whom He wishes, And sets over it the lowliest of men."" (Daniel 4:17)

It is instructive that this is repeated 4 times in this short book. Meaning what in the context of this current president? Throughout biblical history the Lord uses many unsavory rulers, leaders, Kings, princes, etc. to do His bidding. Sometimes because of their character but more often than not, in spite of their character. Sometimes they are faithful people, Abraham for eg. and David (talk about flawed…) and sometimes complete pagans—Darius, Nebuchadnezzar, Herod, Pilate, etc. 

So we need to endeavor to keep our eyes on the ball—the real ball, not the sleight of hand, illusory whiffle ball to get us distracted. What is the singular issue for America today (besides the obvious of everyone coming to Jesus) is demanding that the duly enacted laws of the land are enforced across the board. This is NOT the case today and not only in Washington. Solomon writes-- "Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of men among them are given fully to do evil." (Ecclesiastes 8:11) Meaning—The more evil is allowed to be practiced with impunity, the more wicked man will become. 

1 comment:

  1. Amen, amen, AMEN! Well stated. I’m in 2 Samuel in my reading this week. It struck me once again that ALL our super heroes in the Bible are such flawed and sinful people. JUST LIKE US. And yet, God uses them in mighty ways. He loves to show His magnificent power like that. I believe He is using President Trump, with all his past failures and present annoyances. However, we, as believers, need to continually uphold him in prayer. I know you do. Thank you.
