Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Why "Merry Christmas?"

For the past week or so I have been concentrating on Luke’s Christmas narrative between Gabriel and Mary. Visiting a well-worn pericope and meditating on it allowing the Lord to take my thoughts wherever He  may lead, is a beneficial practice. (Note--I am not implying present day inspiration of the infallible type.) 

The angel Gabriel makes a rather startling visit to Mary with words from which one could fill the pages of a book.  The heavenly messenger announces to her, "Hail, favored one! The Lord is with you."  (Luke 1:28)  Like I said, well know, well-worn, ho hum, a little yawn perhaps, but let’s get on to the good stuff right? But let’s pause.  A unique and peculiar favor was set upon the adolescent by the singular, unilateral decision/action on the part of the Almighty.  The result; she was “highly favored.” 

Gabriel’s words to Mary, though I have read them innumerable times, resounded, “Immanuel—God With Us.” How had I never seen this before? Mary wasn’t just special, she wasn’t just favored, she was “highly favored” not because of anything Mary brought to the table, but because God was with her.  Mary’s favor wasn’t defined only by the fact that she was a unique vessel used by the Creator to bring a baby into the world for our sake, but the very presence of God in an abiding way was her favor. Now let’s go back several centuries.

When Israel was facing certain destruction from their enemies, the prophet Isaiah gives prophetic utterance to assure them their doom is not on the horizon and gives them Divine reassurance.  The prophet speaks:  ""Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold, a virgin will be with child and bear a son, and she will call His name Immanuel."  (Isaiah 7:14)

IN THE HISTORICAL CONTEXT OF THE DAY, a sign coming hundreds of years later wasn’t going to assuage terrible fear and shaking knees.  God’s people needed to know NOW that God was in fact with them, God was on their side. And so Mahershalalhashbaz (no I didn’t just fall on my keyboard) is born fulfilling the words and conditions of the prophetic encouragement thus giving God’s people tangible proof that He was indeed with them taking up their cause.

Back to Mary’s day:  The virgin is told she is highly favored because God is with her and in His being with her God would come to Earth--God in the flesh—“Immanuel, God With Us”—making all who embrace Him “highly favored” for God is with us as well.  
And that is why we say, “Merry Christmas!”

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