Thursday, April 9, 2020

Faith in Covid-19...

You don’t believe in God eh?  You don’t believe in anything you can’t see, taste, touch, feel, or smell eh? You've determined that you have a “scientific” mind which is logical, rational, objective.  You’re not going to be hornswoggled by someone’s pipe dreams, crutches, inventions and delusions to make them feel better about things they don’t understand or can’t control. Good for you! So—one question.

How many “scientifically” minded God-dismissers have seen Covid-19? Oh I know you have heard statistics, you know of reports about it, you may have seen someone’s “testimony” of their experience with it, or are bereft of a loved one succumbing to it, but YOU HAVE NEVER SEEN THE CAUSATIVE AGENT CALLED A VIRUS. You have only ever seen or heard or read of its effect on others.  And yet you are sheltering in place, perhaps wearing a mask when you venture outside--which is pretty seldom--and you are wringing your hands over the devastation compromising your ability to earn a living, see grandchildren, or buy toilet paper. So to be fair, even-handed and objective it must be admitted that you believe strongly enough in something you have never seen to make life changes in light of it none-the-less. Hmmmmmm… Sounds like FAITH to me.

There is evidence all around you that leads you to believe this virus is real and that is has dangerous attributes. You have submitted your doubts to the "experts" on the subject trusting their professional, studied opinions on the matter. And while anyone may choose to ignore warnings to the reality of it no one can avoid the consequences should they become infected. 

So why is it that when it comes to God of whom there is evidence all around you and in the lives of people you know.  You have seen changes—wonderful changes—in a spouse, friend or child, a niece, cousin or uncle or sibling. You know and you have heard or have seen their stories of how this unseen God has changed their world and their life for the good. And yet belligerently you dismiss out of hand what the evidence points to. And at the end of the day,  you cannot muster the intellectual honesty to admit to yourself that you may not have such a scientific, objective, rational mind after all.  In the interest of science, more, in the interest of your eternity, you might just want to “scientifically” reexamine what you think you believe.

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."  (Hebrews 11:1)

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