Friday, April 17, 2020

The Exodus and Covid-19

Most Christ followers are somewhat familiar with the Exodus of God’s people as He demanded their liberation from the political powers of Egypt.  To Moses the Lord said:

""You shall say to [Pharaoh], 'The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to you, saying, "Let My people go, that they may serve Me in the 
wilderness. ""  (Exodus 7:16)

The command was straight forward, uncomplicated but certain.  What unfolds is the power struggle between earthly authority (Pharaoh) and the Divine.   After the Lord’s tactics of persuasion Pharaoh keeps offering to meet the Lord half way. This may be a sometimes necessary way of bargaining in the political realm but the Creator of the universe does not meet anyone half way, there is no give and take or “let’s agree to disagree.” It is simply—OBEY ME, all or nothing. And if you happen to choose nothing, you will realize sooner than later you have chosen—poorly.

Now change epochs and the Lord speaking through another man declares:

“"…and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."  (Hebrews 10:24-25)

I recently read a compelling explanation from a fine Christian organization concerning the national practice currently in place forbidding Christians to obey the dictate of the above passage. This of course pertains to safeguarding one and all from the Covid-19 virus.  Certainly it is well motivated, impartially disseminated, (meaning it is not singling Christians out from meeting) but pertains to essentially everyone. This is keeping with the spirit of the teaching of Romans 13 concerning the purpose of legitimate government. For now I will avoid the consideration of over reaction, false predictions, over reach, duplicitous motives and what have you, sticking to the unassailable point at hand which is the “assembling together of Christ followers for the purpose of serving the Lord building one another up, encouraging one another, exhorting one another, as they worship the Living God together in community—not virtually, but in community.

Throughout the ages millions of Christians have been murdered, imprisoned, exiled to gulags, subjected to tortures for meeting together in defiance of the political powers of the day choosing to obey God rather than man. I can hear the protest now; “But this is different.”  No it is not. Plagues—real plagues—are nothing new and have ravaged millions, not tens, not thousands, but millions, and the people of God gathered even more frequently and in greater numbers as desperate times indeed propel the complacent to the Divine.

Is there a “reasonable” approach that might satisfy the spirit of the cautions regarding Covid-19 without violating the clear command of the Lord Almighty? I believe there is. Candidly it is the same approach that should be taken, not just during some exceptional outbreak, but seasonally as the annual strains of influenza, pneumonia, etc. afflict the very young and ravage the elderly or those compromised with pre-existing conditions that hamper the body’s wonderful means of dealing with infections of all stripes.

When worshipping together enforcement of common sense practices should be implemented (and enforced) by the local church. No hand shaking, anyone who is obviously afflicted with ANY malady must considerately stay home.  Emphasis should be frequent on the importance of keeping fingers out of your nose, eyes, and mouth.  This is a primary route of infection of the most common viruses.  Anyone who is particularly compromised should stay away for their own safety as well as others, or at the very least take personal precautions appropriate to their level of compromise.  And then the church needs to have a mechanism for insuring that such individuals are being cared for outside the communal gathering of the body at large which goes beyond a virtual experience.

There was reason the founding fathers enshrined the freedom of religion, as well as the right to earn a living in the Law of the Land called the Constitution reinforcing them particularly in the Bill of Rights. There are divided opinions as to whether these laws can even be abrogated by Presidential, much less gubernatorial fiat except under declared Martial Law. What is taking place in our nation at the moment doesn’t merely set a foreboding precedent for the future but is rendering to Caesar what is the Lord’s and that needs to be our prime concern.

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