Wednesday, April 8, 2020

"In the Twinkling of an Eye?"

Barely two months ago the world was up to its eye brows in the exciting preparations for the wonders of Christmas celebrations.  This morning as I write, Good Friday is 48 hours away followed by Resurrection Sunday. Oh how things have changed—in the World.

Back in December had I seen a guy on a street corner with a handmade placard saying “The World Is Coming To An End!” even as a believer I probably would have shrugged, had a few carnal thoughts about his sanity wondering why he wasn’t gainfully employed and everything else that runs with such lines of silent protestations. “Get a JOB pal!”

Today, our nation and most of the world is shut down due to an unseen--except with high tech equipment—plague literally changing the lives of billions……..virtually overnight. It strains credulity.

"Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."  (1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

“In the twinkling of an eye?” I have to say I believe this with my whole heart after all I am a follower of the Lord of the Universe. BUT…Ah yes those pesky little conjunctions; small but (oops! Man they are hard to avoid) oh so filled with meaning.  I believe but

My but is that in my thoughtful ponderings over many years I have tried to envision how an entire planet entrenched in Sinatraism (I did it MY way!)  could possibly be brought to a place of a unified world under one global ruler.  I believe it could and actually will come about but (Ugh! There it is again) there has to be so many intermediate steps along the way for this transition to take place.  I mean we are talking decades if not centuries. At least this is where I was had you asked me 2 months ago. 

Could it be the Lord is sending us telegrams of urgency to get our lives in order?  “I know I will, for sure tomorrow.  Or maybe the next day. Or maybe……”


  1. It’s astounding how quickly things have change and will continue to. Anything can happen. Let’s keep our oil lamps full.

  2. Yes, the change is stunning, and can see how so much can, and IS lining up swiftly! Excellent word PB! Thank you!
