Friday, April 3, 2020

Peace in Less Than Peaceful Times

Just a couple weeks back when the market was down about 4,000 points I thought it might be prudent to see how our “portfolio” was faring.  I was prepared for the worst although I had no idea what the “worst” might even look like.  Hmmm, well seems it was down 6 figures…

In all candor I was pleasantly surprised, if one can use such a word in this case, that it was down “only” that much. Was I truly as nonchalant as it seems? Again in all candor, yes.  Not because I am a giant of faith—I have my fleshy moments, shamefully too often--but in my daily time with the Lord, and pondering certain truths of God’s actions in history on behalf of His people, I had been mentally camping on the fact that a few months ago, as the market was on a mach-3 rise breaking record highs by the week, I was reminded by the Spirit that anything that can go up that fast can also go down that fast, actually even faster. I was further reminded in my spirit that we have lived a great portion of our lives truly by faith utterly dependent on His faithfulness as Adonai Jireh—The Lord Who is Provision.

In a moment the Spirit brought to mind the Lord’s faithfulness to His children in the wilderness. Water when needed issued out of a rock, food appeared from heaven. "Your clothing did not wear out on you, nor did your foot swell these forty years.  (Deuteronomy 8:2-5) And in this case, they were being disciplined! How much more faithful is He when His children are captives living in a fallen world?

In our case, we have many years in which we can recall His supernatural provision for us as a normal way of life.  Why would anything change now or in the future?  Certainly we are required to be responsible in planning for future possibilities (“Consider the ant O’ sluggard…”) but the fact is, our security should never be in any human endeavor. So “the peace that passes understanding…” (Phil 4) is ultimately grounded in the faithfulness of God in good times and bad.

I commend a song to you which has buoyed me up in my weak moments and encourage you to give it a listen. It is The Goodness of God by Jenn Johnson.

"Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded."  (James 4:8)


  1. So good!! I really needed this reminder today. I have to stop focusing on the world,and lean on God. I am so grateful for all the blessings He has given me. I am without complaint!! (I do complain alot though!!)

  2. Thank you for sharing and reminding me
