Saturday, April 11, 2020

Triumph Through Trials

The late, great Clive Staples Lewis wrote--"God whispers to us in our pleasure but shouts to us in our pain."  Think of your own life--when have you experienced the most growth as a follower of Christ?  Was it in your seasons of ease and comfort, or in those hard, grinding times when you were about ready to throw in the towel? ""Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance..."  (James 1:2-3) Not one of my favorite passages but...

Regardless anyone's opinion, right or wrong, I am observing some real positives from the separation of humans one from another.  I cannot wait for the "shelter in place" edict to be rescinded but I have to believe that most of us are gaining a new appreciation for all the "givens" we have taken for granted.  Mardens is closed, WHAT? C'mon!   We have swung by our favorite bakery only to find their hours have been changed/restricted. Gimme a break--my cinnamon bun is ESSENTIAL pal!  I just came home from standing in the chilling rain waiting to be allowed entrance to the Hanfuhd! Don't they realize we NEED to go there almost every day or even a couple times a day? And a friend and pastor commenced serving a new/old church in the area only to have served one Sunday before we were all banished to our homes.

Okay so now we "go to church" online and honestly it's been kind of fun, definitely encouraging, certainly better than nothing and spiritually strengthening. Last week Barbara and I signed on to a Saturday evening prayer service through The Gospel Coalition. It was powerful and we did something we rarely do at such services, "we" actually prayed! And by "we" I mean we were there--virtually--with thousands of other Christ followers across the country and spent 90% of the time praying rather than the more typical, 90% of the time talking about praying. It was spectacular.

I am so thankful for the creativity of the geniuses who throughout the ages fashion the "technology" that enables us to be together though thousands of miles apart with our hearts joined in sweet communion of the Risen Savior.

But in all these feats of modern age wonder there is an emerging reality. They are all inadequate to accomplish the essential need of mankind which is to be in personal, present, physical proximity to one another!  This is not a dispensable option but a mandatory stipulation, not merely spelled out by God, but demonstrated by His incarnation.

"Then the LORD God said, "'It is not good for the man to be alone...'" (Genesis 2:18)  What didn't the Creator do? He didn't make a companion hologram, emoticon or  bitmoji; thank heavens He didn't make an "Eve" bitmoji!  Rather He took one of Adam's ribs and fashioned a soul-mate, a companion, a friend who would complete him.

And so as wonderful a stop-gap the technology has provided via FaceTime, Zoom, YouTube or FaceBook, they cannot, will not, must not, replace the gathering of individuals, in spatial proximity to be physically--not virtually--together underscoring the Lord's command to the Hebrews in chapter 10.  
 "...let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, NOT FORSAKING OUR OWN ASSEMBLING TOGETHER, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near."
(Hebrews 10:24-25)

Could Covid-19 be nothing more than God's way of underscoring the importance of corporate worship helping the Church understand, that as the Body of Christ on Earth, we really do need each other?  So let's once and for all abandon this offensive cliché asserting, "I don't need to GO to church to worship God...." Perhaps it is God shouting, "All evidence is to the contrary."

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